The  Kernels  of  Chimaera

Using bacteria cellulose, “The Kernels of Chimaera” (“kernel” = seed, core; chimaera = composite being, phantom) maintains the growth as well as the transformation of living material into artefacts. It harvests, applies human intention and reflects on a new way of manufacturing that encourages us to contemplate the notion of life and death of living entities. Each day, the machine automatically harvests a layer of bacterial cellulose that has grown in one of nine reactor jars. The cellulose is then picked up by a vacuum arm and placed within a small wooden clamp to be inflated by a syringe. Finally, once the inflated cellulose has dried, it is carried upwards by a flow of air and begins to levitate.
Passionate about understanding what we perceive as natural or artificial, this work explores the notion of soulfulness in relation to our perception of artefacts, material culture and second nature.

The creation of artefacts has always played a key role in the human condition, and even since our early ancestors this empowerment used to be expanded into the kingdom of living entities. To increase their profitability, we are altering living organisms through selection, breeding and more recently through genetic engineering. By this means we are extending our mind into a living matter which in the end leads to the emergence of living artefacts. Regarding the results of modern scientific advances, where the combining of different life forms has become routine, we seem to get closer and closer to our ancient dreams of the creation of new life forms.

The Kernels of Chimaera investigates the implications of what it means to work with such a living material in order to grow intended shapes and products.

Similar to gardening, basic processes as feeding, regular maintenance and harvesting become routine parts of the production. The question arises how much control one may have and how much freedom a living process needs to prosper.
Auftraggeber: Self initiated project
Ort: London
Jahr: 2012
Aufgabe: Graduation project at RCA Design Interactions
Themen: Living Material, Biodesign, Biotechnology